Why does consent matter?

At WhatsOK, we talk a lot about how important consent is. Someone reached out to us with a good question: “I keep hearing about consent. Why is it such a big deal?”

Why consent is important

In short: Consent is a clear and enthusiastic agreement between two or more people. Our FAQ: What is consent? gives a great explanation and some more detail of what consent is and isn’t.

Consent is about more than sex.

Basically, consent is about the right to have control over your own body, and the ability to say what is and is not OK. It should be a part of our everyday lives and interactions, from casual hugs to sexual activity. Consent gives us the ability to say NO to anything that we are not comfortable with. And consent tells us what others want so that we can respect their boundaries.

Think of it this way: If you have to pressure or threaten someone into sex, you'd be actively harming them. And at that point, could you even really enjoy it? No! Loveisrespect.org is another good resource to learn more about consent.

Consent outside of sex.

Being a good friend, family member, student and even coworker means thinking about consent in all kinds of interactions. The next time you go to give someone a hug, or post a picture of you and a friend on social media, take a minute to check in with them that it’s alright and where their boundaries are. If they say NO, it’s important you respect that limit that they have placed without pressuring or coercing them into it. Just as you would want them to do for you!

Do you have more questions about consent? Our helpline counselors are here to answer your questions, talk through situations and connect you with resources and support around sexual boundaries, safety and healthy relationships. Contact us for more.


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